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JNS quantum dot
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Oil soluble quantum dots

   The oil phase quantum dot is a nanometer particle with a diameter of 1-10 nm. The nanoparticle can emit fluorescence corresponding to its own energy level under the excitation of external energy, and is a high conversion efficiency luminescent material because of its The small particle size, which has superior and unique optical and surface modification properties, has become a newcomer in the field of nanobiophotonics and is widely used in the field of biomarkers. High-quality quantum dot solutions have the following characteristics: a wide range of sizes, a narrow size distribution, good stability, and high fluorescence.

                                     Oil-soluble CdTe quantum dots




                                                                                                  Oil soluble CdSe quantum dots




                                                                                                    Oil soluble CdSe quantum dots




Oil-soluble CdSe/ZnS quantum dots



                                                                                           Oil-soluble CdZnS/ZnS quantum dots

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