
Nanjing Janus New- Materials Co., Ltd.

Contact: 18020112633 (Ms. Wang)


Tel: 025-83585108

Fax: 025-83172243

Address: Nanjing Xianlin University City Science and Technology Park, Yuanhua Road, Xianlin University, Qixia District, Nanjing

Website: www.fhztl.com

Bank:  Bank of China, Jiangsu Branch Office

Account number:  474161398545
JNS quantum dot
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Carbon dot

Due to its small particle size (1-10 nm), carbon dots have unique properties such as optical, electronic and surface modification properties. They have become a newcomer in the field of nanobiophotonics and are widely used in the field of biomarkers. High-quality carbon quantum dot solutions have the following characteristics: a wide range of sizes, a narrow size distribution, good stability, and high fluorescence.

                                         Oil soluble carbon dots



Product specifications:


                                                                              Water soluble carbon dots





Product specifications:



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